Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Seorang blogger tentunya ingin agar blognya banyak pengunjung baik teman maupun orang lain. Sebetulnya banyak cara untuk supaya blog kita dikenal orang termasuk link echange (pertukaran link) antar blog. Walau pun banyak cara lain untuk meningkatkan banyaknya pengunjung seperti memperbanyak posting, blogwalking dan men'submit URL kita pada site bookmark, tetapi setidaknya link exchange juga punya peranan yang lumayan penting. Dintaranya nama dan blog kita ada di blog orang, juga sebaliknya.
Jadi, setiap pengunjung yang baru baik pada blog kita atau pun blog teman yang sudah melakukan link exchange akan melihat link kita diantara keduanya. Bayangkan jika kita melakukan link exchange dengan 200 teman kita, maka nama bolg kita sudah tersebar di 200 blog lainnya. Selain itu juga menjalin kedekatan antar blogger dengan saling mengunjungi dan memberi komentar satu sama lain. Karena jangan harap blog anda akan di kunjungi jika jalan-jalan ke blog lain dan memberi komentar di blog lain pun belum pernah atau males untuk mekakukan blogwalking.
Dalam peningkatan traffic cara ini lah yang paling mudah dilakukan, asal adil. keduanya harus benar-benar saling tukar link. Dan tidak lupa saya ingatkan untuk terus perbanyak posting di blog anda dan sering blogwalking seperti kunjungan ke blog saya ini, he...
Terlihat di tab paling atas terdapat menu link exchange, disanalah teman blogger saya melakukan link exchange. Jika pengunjung melihat blog ini bagus dari segi postingan atau template blognya, selain ia akan sering brkunjung ke blog ini, pengunjung itu juga akan melihat siapa aja seh teman-teman blogger yang memang suka berkomunikasi dengan blog ini. sehingga link teman kita yang dipasag di blog pun adak dikunjungi pengunjung. Faham kan, he...:D
Oke dech... itu aja dulu resep dari saya kali ini. saya ucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada blogger-blogger lain yang memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana cara meningkatkan traffik pengunjung. Karena disini lah (internet) sumber ilmu.
Ingin lanjut, melakukan link excgange di blog ini ? silahkan klik disini dan ikuti ketentuannya. Mudah-mudahan ada manfaatnya, amien..!
Yupz, benar sekali, Sistem Operasi windows yang kita pakai itu sebenarnya mencuri 20 persen dari jalur akses internet total kita lho, kenapa? Karena windows merupakan Operating System (OS) yang selalu menginginkan dirinya Up To Date dan tidak ketinggalan zaman. Misalnya seperti update dengan Service Pack, ataupun update komponen-komponen lain yang mendukung berjalannya Sistem Operasi Windows ini. Maka dari pada itu Windows sengaja melakukan update otomatis di background tasking kita yang mungkin banyak dari kita yang tidak menyadari hal ini. Apa Akibatnya? Hal ini tentu saja berakibat pada lebih lambatnya koneksi internet kita.
Nah, Untuk mengambil bandwidth kita kembali dan mengoptimalkan koneksi internet lebih cepat, Embun punya cara niy...
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008
While those of us in the social media might like to believe that information is open, transparent, and free, the fact is that for the larger Web outside of this niche that this isn’t necessarily the case. This has been made more than apparent with the current legal action against by EDF Ventures as they sue for the identity of one of the site members. Another example came this past weekend, when three MIT students were gagged from giving a presentation about the security weakness they found in the fare cards used by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.
While the incident with may end up being a replay of the recent lawsuit against Torrent Bay, the court order to stop the students from giving their presentation at this past weekend’s DefCon 16 get together in Las Vegas is a different matter. As Declan McCullagh reported on the Security blog at c|net:
U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock on Saturday ordered the students not to provide "program, information, software code, or command that would assist another in any material way to circumvent or otherwise attack the security of the Fare Media System." Woodlock granted the MBTA’s request after a hastily convened hearing in Massachusetts that took place at 8 a.m. PDT on Saturday.
Adam Ostrow wrote this weekend on the horrible state of advertising targeting on AdSense for RSS, which as we’ve learned today is the replacement for the FeedBurner Advertiser Network. Allen Stern at CenterNetworks noted exactly how disappointed he has become in this transition from Google’s $100 million folly which is FeedBurner.
As Allen says, cost-per-click advertisements just don’t seem to be that great of a fit for RSS feeds, particularly Google’s AdSense units, the stingiest of all the ad formats. Google, in what’s becoming a trademark fashion, bought up FeedBurner and trashed the company. Instead of loudly gutting and relaunching the company, the primary draw for FeedBurner’s existence was very quietly eulogized on a Google Group posting, as noted by Valleywag today:
This is a quick note to confirm that FeedBurner’s former, independent ad network, FeedBurner Ad Network (aka “FAN”), is officially closed. No new applications for FAN publishers are being accepted and we expect the broad variety of options provided through AdSense (including the new AdSense for Feeds product, powered with FeedBurner feeds) will give publishers valuable new revenue-earning potential.
The system worked, as many have noted by personal experience, to deliver ads that payed out around a $10 CPM or even higher. Most folks are lucky to have an AdSense account that pays a fraction of that amount, and will be even more hard pressed to find joy there given the poor targeting and traditionally poor placement of ads in a typical RSS post item.
Given how long I’ve utilized AdSense, I have no expectations for its improvement, unlike some of my fellow bloggers. Simply because the strongest reason (their monetization) for keeping FeedBurner no longer exists doesn’t mean it’s time to dump the service as Steven Hodson suggests today. It does make Google particularly weak in this product sector, and leaves them wide open for strong competition. Steven outlines the reasons:
When you consider the following
- Google closes down the FeedBurner Advertising Network
- The FeedBurner site metrics don’t even come close to jiving with other services including Google’s own site metrics service
- FeedBurner subscriber counts are not consistent or can be gamed
So tell me why are we still using this service?
The only purpose at this point in keeping FeedBurner around it portability and compatibility of data. Having a system that can read all the various flavors and manglings of RSS and Atom out there in the world and then serve it back up in an appropriate manner almost flawlessly is still a rare thing. I can’t think of another competitor to FeedBurner, in fact, that does this.
More importantly, FeedBurner accounts serve as a nice shield from the often transitory nature of Web 2.0 products. Any time I generate a feed I want to expose to the public, I don’t care if it’s hosted by Google themselves, I run it through FeedBurner, because I know if the original feed goes away, I can instantly re-point the feed the public subscribes to towards another source. I don’t have to lose subscribers.
This, though, is a relatively easy thing to code and get running. What isn’t easy is building a business around monetizing RSS. The first company to come up with the silver bullet in that department has only a few small hoops to jump, and they’ll be able to slay the mighty Google.
In the meantime, I suggest folks roll their own solution. RSS files are a great place for brand advertisements, and both pundits quoted in this article (Steven Hodson and Allen Stern) have cited success in selling their own ads for their feeds.